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darklich13 said:
The_vagabond7 said:
darklich13 said:
What about Minesweeper?


Now don't start. That's a stupid comparison and you know it. How many people have been at best buy, saw mine sweeper and said "Damn, I gotta get one of these PCs"?

People will complain, hem and haw, but wii sports has been on the Oscars, The nightly news, sitcoms, commercials, magazines, it's in bars, night clubs, theme parks, all the hell over the place. Fanboys even argue that people only buy wii for wiisports and then never play their wii again, but when it comes time to give credit to wii sports it's just a demo and people aren't buying their wii's for that crap. People see wii sports and are blown away by it, and must have it, then go out and buy a wii. I won't defend wiiplay because that is a controller with a game, but wii sports is the reason for the wii's success and it deserves every bit of credit that it gets.

You make a good point but for me, Wii Sports will always have an asterix next to its name.







*Bundeled with system


ok lets asterisk all the game in the past  2 years that have been put into manufactorers bundles

Kung Fu Panda*

Forza 2*

Marvel Ultimate Alliance*




Lego Indiana Jones*

Sega Super Stars Tennis*

Devil May Cry 4*

Gran Tourismo Prologue*

and yes WiiSports*

wow when you look at it, nintendo bundles less games than the rest of you all.


End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut