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Thrillhouse said:

5) "I was forced to buy it" It shouldn't count.

This is true in the UK and the USA. (Japan, it has sold fantastically well).
I, like most of you, also believe that it would not sold as much if not bundled
a) I 'll never know how much it would have sold unbundled...
(Like the rest of you, I can only assume)
b) Who here thought when the Wii came out that it would sell better then the GC, N64, SNES???? I sure as hell didn't. Just going by the figures of N64,.. If it would have sold that much and included WiiSports it still would have never touched SMB.


 You forgot to add these:

c) We don't know how many Wii's would of sold without Wii Sports.

d) The Sales of Wii Fit and Wii Play does show that Wii Sports would of sold a lot just on its own. Particularily Wii Fit.


Being Bundled gives it an unfair advantage but even unbundled it would sold as much as Nintendogs..It just happened to be used as a System Seller. So Wii Sports sold more Wiis and because of that Wii Sports sold more. There is no way around it. It wasn't Zelda or any other launch game that caused the stir it was Wii Sports. Would it have sold less if it wasn't bundled does the gap between bundled sales and potential unbundled sales increase over time absolutely. However Bundles have been used to increase softwares sales by many platnum games in the past. After the temporary bundle if succesful sales for that game experience a bump. It is impossible to quantify this and most importantly SMB is bundled.

For you who doubt the veracity of this game and say it wouldn't sell as a stand alone. Others have already pointed out Japan so I am going to point out this game was featured in the Oscars(you know one of the most watched and still very prestigous events on TV), Today Show(Multiple Times), Oprah, and pretty much anything from the news to the Daily Show. If that doesn't show pop culture phenomon then look at all the Mii Avatars on the internet both gaming and non gaming.

Look at how made use of and popularized Mii's and than look at the spin offs in NXE and even Home and think about how that has changed your gaming experiecen....Note it did not ruin it. Also for those PS3 lovers out there this game is abig reason Sony pursued LBP and this a game most of the people who own it on the site like was elevated in importance because Wii sports.


It does deserve to be up there.