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chaospluto said:
I still agree with those who say Wii Sports is more of a Demo than a game.

1. No Score.
2. No Rewards.
3. No real competition.
4. No story line.

I could probably keep going, but you get my point.

A game has substance: scoring, records, rewards, etc.

Demos = The Games of the Future. /sarcasm

Other arguments presented here have merit when it comes to debating the NUMBER SOLD... but I hate to see this argument, as I think its the least thought out.

Definitions of game on the Web:

  • a contest with rules to determine a winner;
  • a single play of a sport or other contest
  • an amusement or pastime


Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!