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chaospluto said:
izaaz101 said:
chaospluto said:
I still agree with those who say Wii Sports is more of a Demo than a game.

1. No Score.
2. No Rewards.
3. No real competition.
4. No story line.

I could probably keep going, but you get my point.

A game has substance: scoring, records, rewards, etc.

Demos = The Games of the Future. /sarcasm

Funny, I coulda sworn I got a score awarded for beating opponents, got medals for clearing certain events, and competed both against the CPU and local multiplayer...........guess I must have imagined all that........silly me.

The thing is, the rewards and score means essentially nothing in WiiSports.

At least, I never noticed anything new when I got a certain score other than a "Title".  No new levels, no new anything really.

To me, it's a Demo.  Something unfinished, that could be more.

RPGs have no scores, no rewards, and no competition either, but have storylines.  Tetris has no storyline, but it has scores, rewards, and competition.  These are all games.

If the scores and rewards in Wii Sports mean "essentially nothing" what games have scores and/or rewards that mean anything at all?  And if you can name any, what "meaning" do they have?

The score you get in Wii Sports means at least as much as the score in SMB.  Those scores didn't even grant a pro status title.