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Gelmer said:
Do you know what I see in this thread when I read the posts made by all the 'nay-sayers'?


Fear, because they know it can happen. Fear, because they know it will most likely happen. Fear, because they don't want to lose one game they thought was untouchable by the Wii.

Every "Lol" or "I needed a good laugh" is but only a front to try and bolster their wavering courage and hide their dread, hoping like-minded others will rally to their aid and help chase away these annoying inklings in their minds that tell them this can and will most likely happen.

The Wii has shown us it has the superior controls for a Resident Evil style game. This is not debateable, only children dare contest this point with any confidence. The only factor that remains now is whether you as an individual value superior controls or not.

Resident Evil 4 has outsold Capcom's life long expectations for it on the Wii in just two months. It continues to not only exceed expectations but sell steadily and threatens to sell well over a million units in the entirety of its live span if not by the end of this year alone. To think Capcom would ignore this success after so confidently boasting they would be dedicating the lion's share of their development to the Wii and DS this generation is just somewhat naive.

Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles has been stated by Capcom as being the litmus test for future Resident Evil games on the Wii, take this to assume whatever you must, but anyone with an even remotely objective mind can see this making clear and direct reference to future main series games much ales a RE5 port for the Wii. Umbrella Chronicles will sell phenomenally, if for no other reason than the final mission at the end which unveils the events leading up to RE4. The Wii will return Capcom's modest confidence seven fold and they will have no choice but to concede, however they decide to do so.

Resident Evil 5 will admittedly not be anywhere near as good as RE4, it lacks the director, the team, and Nintendo's support that RE4 had, it will be a quite inferior game, but it will still be a good game and I still want it as do other RE fans. We want to play it using the Wii-mote, the way we now know from RE4, third person shooters were meant to be played. Umbrella Chronicles will be splendid, but its not enough, we want the game we deserve and have earned. This is not a simple matter of equal distribution of unique games, its a matter of the Wii owns the market now. The 360 and PS3 are little more than the eye candy-engines for lapsed gamers whose dated notions of graphics before the game and brand-name allegances have only betrayed them time and time again.

What this is really about, what it has always been, is that you up until now have convinced yourselves that having inferior sales was okay so long as you had the "big boy" games, but now that the Wii threatens to take even that from you as well, your forced to re-evaluate your perspective on gaming once more and give up even a little more of your pride.

There is a long time before RE5 comes out, some say as late as 2009, so by all means in the mean time, Keep fearing. Keep despairing. Keep loathing. Because you know as well as I this game if not its successor will most likely be on the Wii.


 You know what I see?  A bunch of ignorant fanboys.

Do you really think it's as simple as a press of a button to port something from the PS3/360 to the Wii that wasn't planned from the beginning to be ported to the Wii?  Sure going from the PS2/Gamecube to the Wii and PS3 to the 360 and vice versa are all easy but not PS3/360 to Wii.

First off they will have to remake *every* model and texture.  After getting everything down to something the Wii can handle they would then have to go into every level and optimize it for the Wii.  That would mean taking out objects and more than likely number of enemies on screen.  Both of those things together would take a lot of time and a lot of effort and if RE5 isn't anything compared to RE4 then it just won't be worth the incredible effort.

I would love to have RE5 on the Wii as much as the next person due to the great controls but it just aint gonna happen.  Call me scared, whatever, all I know is it is being made as a 360/PS3 game and just will not work on the Wii.  There is no easy/i] button that magically dumbs everything down to Wii standards.