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Great article and exactly true. Anger and hatred are products of fear. People fear what they do not know. Thus ignorance leads to fear. Then continue with the quote of the little green jedi. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.

But out of a cowardly sense of desperation they trash what they do not understand which they in turn fear. It's childish but human which you can see with a vast majority of the members on your everyday forum. People, like I've said numerous times before, need to be concerned with what's right rather than themselves. If at least some of the people did this some of the time we'd have a better situation.

Wii is not a threat to anything nor will it ever be. It's not a threat to the PS3 or 360's "kind" of gaming nor the mythical "harcore" gaming that so many have stood by. Nor is it a threat to the continuation of popular Nintendo franchises. Only thing Wii can threaten is the expansion of the market which last I checked isn't such a bad thing. That's what's right and that's what journalists should be writing about. The coexistence of both world and the recognition of Nintendo's respect towards the core and the casual.

Nintendo, like everything, has its flaws and we should get on that. Otherwise its just unprofessional and disrespectful which seems to go hand in hand with the media.

Good article gramps.