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The 2nd opinion on Game Informer is interesting, and probably very relevant. I obviously can't comment at this stage. Either way: people are either hassling the game for being too similar... or hassling it for being different, and trying something new.

As a long time Metroid fan, it pains me to not smother Nintendo’s newest addition to the family with love and adoration. This is not to say that I didn’t enjoy Samus Aran’s newest romp, but that things have changed, and in my view, not for the better. I always admired Metroid for its story that didn’t require lots of senseless dialogue to make its point. In Corruption, this has all changed with the introduction of bad cutscenes and even worse voiceover work. Next up are the giant worlds – the hallmark of any Metroid game – that I love to explore in search of upgrades and clues. While the upgrades and clues still exist, the world has been chopped up into bite-sized little pieces to make it easier, I presume, to digest Metroid’s exploration. In the end, it makes it all feel like Nintendo took my favorite cut of prime beef, and ground it up to make a nice fast-food hamburger for the masses. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a great hamburger, but it’s not the fantastic steak I have come to expect from the series.

 (score 8.75 in case it doesn't show)

Gesta Non Verba

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