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I agree with just about everything you've sad Naz. You've handled this thread so well I have very little to add.

Controls are awesome, better than a mouse and keyboard to me since the Wiimote is only slightly worse than a mouse for aiming/turning but the nunchuck is so far superior to WASD for moving it's not even funny. The artistic style is stunning.  A couple reviewers complained about the scan visor ruining the scenery but I found myself mutliple times going back to a room/area after clearing it and spending 5 mins just looking at the environment, it looks that good.

The pacing is fantastic and the level design is done unbelievably well. When you want to run and gun the level makes you feel like you want to run and gun, when you want to explore and fight the level makes you feel like you want to do both, and when you just want to be alone to explore, the level (and music in this case) makes you feel like you just want to explore by yourself.

Overall I'm leaning towards a 9.7 as well Naznatips.

Also I would like to second Naz on the Xbox Live problem. The horde of foul mouthed teenagers also killed it for me. I tried playing with the sound off for a while but it doesn't work well in Halo MP when you can't communicate with your teammates.