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That's BS, there are no antivirus programs FOR Linux in the sense of antivirus on Windows.

The antivirus programs on Linux are for data that passes through Linux server, to protect Windows machines.

Virus are just too hard to make for Linux, as they just plain don't work. For them to work, the user has to go through tedious tasks of deliberately installing them. Virus just don't work on Linux and any Unix.

The only things that work are worms (there aren't any working currently) which are daemons specific, and tojans which are not viruses, and require manual installation from a cracker that can find a flaw in your services, penetrate your PV, then install it.


As for the rest, I use Linux since 2001, with absolutely no problem. All my little family actually uses it without any problem. Since that time, I refused to repair any Windows machine from people I know. I've since seen several different things from the supposedly easier to use Windows : they abandoned using a computer when it didn't work anymore less than 1 month after I stop helping them (losing countless hours in the process on a supposedly easier OS), one of them bought another PC but didn't connect it to the internet, one of them erased all his data from his laptop by remastering it with the repair CD. Most of these people don't use their PC anymore.

None of them know how to use Photoshop or CAD programs, as those are heavily specialised tools, and if one had that, it was pirated, and you can bet gimp was easier to use for them than Photoshop. For shame, my wife use Gimp to make her screen background image.

BTW, several of these people I stopped supporting under Windows switched to Linux (Mandrake, then Ubuntu) because that's the sole thing I support nowadays. I never again receive any phone calls. The thing just keeps running without problem.

Finally, it's no use telling people why they should switch, you don't want to support people that don't want to switch.


P.S. : For more shame, my wife masters Linux better than so-called computer experts that actually don't know anything, and she's computer illiterate. For example, she still doesn't understand what an archive is (zip, tar.gz, rar, ...). For more shame, my little 4 years old daughter also masters Linux without any problem. The people switched to Linux have no problem either. Most of the time, people complaining about Linux hard are computer illiterate that know their way around Windows. They think they know about computers, then realize they don't when faced with Linux, hence the fear induced "Linux is hard to use".