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Anyone telling you to not worry about getting the rest of the story first isn't looking out for your best interests. Sure you could probably play the game and get the gist of everything that's happening. You could also watch Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King without seeing the previous two movies and think it's your favorite movie ever, but I guarantee you would have appreciated it more had you watched them all in order as one story. You can sub in Return of the Jedi if you're not familiar with LOTR. It's the same as everyone that is telling you to not bother. They too would have had a better first experience if they had played the previous games, and I don't know why they would want you to share their scenario. MGS is heavily story driven, and if you want the most out of your inaugural experience with MGS4, then at least sit through a playthrough video over Youtbube of the first three games. I would also recommend the opening videos in MGS1 where Snake is sitting and talking to Campbell about why he is being called in for the mission.

Bottom-line, playing the games is not mandatory, but watching or reading up on the story of the previous games is if you want your best experience with the new one. Don't listen to anyone telling you any different.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.