Xbox 360 will outsell PS3 by 2.5 million in 09.
The Wii will have a year very close to 2008's.
Xbox 360 steals a few more exclusives from the PS3 and possibly gets FF in Japan.
The PS3 will not have a price drop until OCT. 09
KZ2 sells 2-2.5 million for all of 2009
GT:5 will not come out until 2010
M$ offers a wii-type remote and some type of xbox game (bundled) that includes your avatar as a player for under $50. It may be included with the 360's starting in the fall.
Sony adds a Blockbuster streaming feature to its system, and has decent success with it.
Blu-Ray will not become mainstream in 09
Wii Fit 2 is the in game for Christmas 2009
Halo Wars sells more than KZ2 but not by much.
"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."
Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!