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OH working in retail you'll get hilarious stories like this all the time.

Like one time this woman came in with a question of why the IR on her wiimote wasn't working. I went through all these scenarios of what it could be and why it wouldn't work such as sensor bar not plugged in and IR sensor covered by the glove.

Finally she called her daughter and asked her to turn it on and do what I said. Still didn't work so I ended with 2 final questions. First, is the IR cracked. Daughter said no. Secondly is the sensor bar on the TV. She said what's a sensor bar, even after saying yes to the previous question. And I said it's the small little rectangle thing with a cord that came in with the Wii. And she said why is it important. And I'm like yea it's the only way the sensor will work. Plug it in to the back of the Wii and put it on your TV and you'll be fine.

I mean what do people think that Ninty just put extra pieces in there for no fucking reason. Read the damn manual or understand from the beginning that everything in the package has a purpose.