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My sig has my systems of choice, here's why:

PS3: Simply because of SCE, even if all 3rd party went away 1st party is still a must-buy for me, i'm glad that most 3rd party is still on the PS3... plus i was one of the early blu-ray adopters (and i made a bet with a friend about which HD format was gonna win, i won 5 games: MGS4, Disgaea 3, Valkyria, LBP and Resistance 2)... It's really an amazing console, i have used it for almost everything...

Wii: My "party system", just kidding... When i first saw the potential at E3, i knew that Nintendo was back (I am a Ninty supporter since the NES, but the Gamecube really pissed me off, until now it is the Nintendo system i sold out of anger, but i kept the few good exclusive games i liked because i played them at a friend's and now i'm playing them on the Wii), the only thing i don't like is the name, the system does deserve the name "Revolution" because it's just that, a Revolution in gaming controls... I'm really happy playing the casuals, the good core games and the old Gamecube games... In fact, my sickest moment in gaming was with my GF and a Wii...Congratz Ninty, specially Iwata... BUT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, KEEP THE CRAZY PALIN-WANNABE OFF THE STAGE NEXT E3...
DS and PSP: Simply because...
My gaming rig: It's a high end PC i made earlier this year, now my old gaming rig is my work PC and my new gaming rig is hooked up to my HDTV...

I don't plan to get the 360 simply because PC has or will have the same games, only Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia and Star Ocean 4 are tempting me right now i play them on a friend's...

Next gen i'll probably will fall again for Ninty and Sony's 1st party, Microsoft still doesn't convince me, but we'll see...