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dallas said:

concerning the argument that developed over whether alchohol is wrong or not, i've noticed two different kinds of thought on this. The americans don't want their minors to drink at all. We have a lot of this "dont drink" kind of direction from schools and so forth. On the other hand in Europe, alchohol isn't seen as such a bad thing for minors. I would guess that in america people binge drink a lot more, and having some 16 year old binge drink b/c it was her first time to try something alchoholic could be a bad thing, but over in Europe binge drinking doesn't seem to be as big of a thing as it is in America. Alchohol is just something that people do, not just adults so they don't have as big of a problem with minors trying to "over-prove" their adulthood or whatever.

It's all Prohibition's fault.  If there wasn't such a stigma about alcohol in the US, kids wouldn't be tempted to go out and binge drink.  If teachers and parents taught kids to be responsible instead of "just don't do it", kids would drink responsibly when they're 16 instead of irresponsibly when they get to college.

At my college they advertise all over the place that "46% of students limit themselves to 1 or 2 drinks, or don't drink at all."  You know what that means?  54% of students drink three or more drinks.  You don't turn 21 until your senior year, and there are a lot fewer seniors than freshman because people drop out.  You do the math...