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The Ghost of RubangB said:
McStormy1 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
McStormy1 said:
BornFirst. said:
McStormy1 said:
People who find traditional controls dont deserve to play videogames. Learn it or leave it. Why should I be forced to play dumbed down and simplified games while the newbies arent forced to learn the hardcore way?

Wow very selfless and mature! good on you

Why should I be selfless and mature as opposed to casual players? Why should I make the sacrifice and not them? Just like in anything in the world, the individual wants the rewards for themselves -not for others at their own expense. Casual players are fine with me as a coexisting entity, but the wii library has shown an exclusions of epic, heavily story based games and titles deep custimization and gameplay options when compared to HD systems.

Because the majority of gamers don't want to make any "sacrifice" to have fun.

There ARE still "hardcore" games for you to compete in.  You can fight for high scores, speedruns, and frag counts, etc.  Why would these go away?

If this is all too much for you, and you're just way too hardcore to survive in this new gaming world, get good at StarCraft and move to Korea.


@bolded: So you're basically saying "fuck the minority?

The issue is the lack of epic, thought and story heavy games or franchises on the Wii. It seems casual gamers do not enjoy storytelling or cinema and this is something that will stunt the growth of the industry to becoming something beyond a mere "play thing", a "toy".

I'm not saying fuck the minority.  I'm saying that the majority don't share your set of values you use to compare games, AND THAT'S OKAY.  I'm not attacking anybody except immature reviewers (just about all of them).  It's totally fine if there are different kinds of gamers at the same time.  Or have you always puked at the sight of an old woman playing Snood or Tetris or Brain Age, and called them a philistine who doesn't know the elite gaming bliss of Halo 3 with a headset on, that only a sophisticated 1337 gamer could appreciate and understand?

Funny you should mention storytelling.  I love storytelling and cinema and I'm a film major in my last semester.  It's just that I can count the games I've played with great stories on my fingers.  What great cinematic games with amazing stories have you been playing that I've been missing out on?

Meanwhile we get reviewers pretending to be an authority on the subject saying crazy shit like "GTA4 has Oscar-worthy dialogue," which is an insult to games, films, and dialogue.  It's hilarious.



Seriously the Cinemia in games is OK but it can get out of hand like MGS4 did. The writing and plot in almost all games are sophmoric at best adnnd definitely secondary to any game I have played. That said Cinema style works well for some games and should not be discounted.

But just ask some Sony fanboys about the White Knight review. See what happens the shoe changes fast.