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Ever notice how rational discourse turns into trolling and personal attacks before long? I do get so tired of that...

The industry is just going through a different phase in one of its major cycles. Some would liken it to a pendulum swinging as well. Same basic metaphor: constant switching between extremes. Right now we're in the "simple" phase of the cycle. Come 2015 or so, we will be back in the "complex" phase of the cycle.

This is really nothing new, and I do wonder sometimes why people are shocked to learn that things are changing like this when we experienced near-identical shifts in 1985 and 1995 (from complex to simple and simple to complex, respectively). There was even a ridiculous level of outcry at those two points, too. Perhaps I'm one of the only ones keen on looking at what's come before to figure out what's coming next...

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.