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.jayderyu said:
Sorry Mine Sweeper doesn't count. not for any stupid arbitrary reason either. MineSweeper and X games don't count becuase they are bundled with the OS. When people are buying their PC they are getting the OS with some games with it. So it's the OS that matters. Minesweeper is irrelevant to the function of the PC or OS. Where as WiiSports is a game designed to be played on a game console.


That's still an arbitrary reason. What gives you the right to decide what criteria have to be met in order for a game to count?

Wiisports is no more relevant to the function of the Wii than is Minesweeper to the PC, and last time I checked, Minesweeper, Free Cell, Solitaire were games that were designed to be played on a PC.

Still, what about Tetris? In addition to console sales, I'm sure that plenty of PC owners have spent countless hours toying with tetrominos.



Consoles owned: Saturn, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PSP, DS, PS3