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venepe said:
omgwtfbbq said:
darklich13 said:
Valkyria00 said:
360/PS3 fanboys just cant accept this. Anyways this is my last comment.

If this thread explodes have fun arguing.................and grow up.

err I own a Wii too and happen to really like WiiSports. I just don't think that is should be considered the best selling game ever since it was not sold outside of Japan. 

Off the top of my head the top three non-bundeled games are

1.     Pokémon Red, Blue, and Green
2.     Nintendogs
3.     Super Mario Bros. 3




all three of those games have been bundled at one point or another in their respective lifetimes.


True, but most of their sales did not come from being bundeled.

Super Mario Land probable is the one.

Thrillhouse said it:

Super Maro Land for GameBoy still holds the crown

(Until definitive proof shows that it was ever a pack in)

Then GTA: San Andreas.

However I believe darklich13 is proposing a middle ground, a game that may have been bundled at some point but whose sales did not came mostly from these bundles.  That is going to be hard to figure out.

I thought Super Mario Land came with my gameboy....