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Cobretti2, parts of the Dark Knight were filmed with IMAX cameras and are a different aspect ratio to the 'normal' bits of the film. I've not seen any other films swap aspect ratio but this one definitely does. FWIW, the film was great at the IMAX.

I've just watched the Dark Knight on Blu-Ray, and I do think the quality is pretty good throughout. Particularly on close-ups of faces, the difference from a DVD is pretty clear - human vision is very well tuned to faces so most people should be able to see the difference here. However, it's clear when the action switches to the IMAX sections and back again, that to really make the most of 1080p, you need better than the current standard video cameras. The amount of detail captured by the IMAX cameras is clearly superior.

mystic D said 'Put in blu-ray Rattatuei or Wall-E , if you still can't tell the difference, then just buy everything on DVD.'

While I'd substitute Planet Earth for his choice of discs I certainly wouldn't argue with the sentiment. Don't let me or anyone else tell you if Blu-Ray is worth it. You've presumably got a PS3 so if you're not convinced by Blu-Ray then you're in the lucky position of not having wasted a lot of money on a Blu-Ray player.