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Not the best Wii game according to the original reviews, but the best Wii game according to everything else. Well, almost. If I was on a desert island with only one Wii game, it wouldn't be this. But golly gee it entertains people. At family Thanksgiving and Christmas parties, the Xbox provided entertainment for me and and about 4-5 relatives, none adults. With the Wii this last Thanksgiving, this game by itself provided entertainment for 15-20 different people, ages 3-54. Interestingly...

The amount of people who played it was about only 2/3 of the people there, and this was considered a small crowd by normal standards. And for the most part on my mom's side. With my mom's side alone and many aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and grandparents, the amount of people would easily reach around 150. Christmas parties usually mean around 60-70 people. The next one is on Sunday.

Just imagine if all those people were there with Wii Sports available to them. There are 4 Wiis that can possibly be brought as well.

So yes, this game deserves it.