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I just got this game for Christmas, and so far I cannot understand how this game could've scored so low with the press. I am aware that it is more of a sequel/spin-off than a genuine release, but so far I found it to be pretty enjoyable. The graphics are top-notch if a tad too last-generation ish at times (the beauty of the animation and the settings make it worth looking at), the music is decent, and the gameplay itself is engaging and holding my interest. I had so much trouble putting it down when I started playing it. Even the voice acting isn't as unlistenable as reviewers have said (I still miss Scott Menville's Lloyd, but his replacement's pretty good, as are the rest of the cast that I've heard so far).

My only quibbles? Load times are too excessive, often disrupting the gameplay and Emil is at least a little TOO wussy in the beginning, although in all fairness, it's not that grating to take me out of the game. Other than that, I've enjoyed what I played thus far, and I anticipate continuing my journey through it.

(Soriku, if you're reading this, worry not: I've already become a fan of the sequel.)