Nice thread ROBOTECHHEAVEN ^^ I'll post here quite often I guess :) So, lemme share with you my favourite games:
- Psone: FFVII or FFVIII. VII is just amazing, but I've been a little disgusted by "compilation of FFVII" ... VIII deserves much more attention IMO. THE problem of the game was the magic system, I could never understand why they did those "spheres" ... Ultimecia was a great boss, Edea was good too! I loved the university system, the "space" time etc etc etc. I really hope there will be a VIII-2 one day (at least to know if Rinoa IS ultimecia :p).
- Pstwo: I'll go with FFX of course. Loved everything about the game. Great characters, nice story, beautiful graphics, very pleasant fight system. Everything was great!
- PSP: Tales of eternia! I know it's a remake, but I really had a good time with the game. Crisis core was good too, but too action oriented and as I said before, I'm kinda disgusted by "compilation of FFVII".
- 360. I got blue dragon and LO. I finished none of them, enough said!
- PS3: bah I only have enchanted arms. It was okay when I bought it cause it was the beginning of this gen (well for me). But this game is really bad.
- Can't wait for:
- WKC: Hope this one turns good, I'm interrested in the online mode.
- XIII: probably the best FF since VII-VIII!
- versus XIII: testuya nomura, enough said!
- agito XIII: I'm not really hype about this game, but I'm sure this will be good.
- Eternal sonata: I got a crush for this game, I dunno why, can't wait for a european release.