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dtewi said:

Yes sir. I have my new computer.

It is absolutely amazing. It is a 19" HD LCD Monitor with a 320GB Hard Drive and 2GB Memory and I believe a Dell Interon Duo Processor or something like that.

I had a shock when I opened it. I thought it was going to be a few years old. Turns out it is pretty recent. 2008.

Anyway. The brother and sister and I spent about 12 hours on it combined playing The Sims 2 and RCT3: Platinum. No hiccups. Except when there is a massive lot on The Sims 2 and you place a huge item down then it may take a few seconds but I take it this is normal.

With my hundreds of dollars of gift cards that I recieved from anonymous (literally, no return address), I plan to buy two more games, SimCity4 and Civilization 2. I'm a bit of a fan of Sandbox games. Anymore more suggestions? 

I lol'ed


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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