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stewacide said: What they've already put into it they've already put into it - it's a sunk cost - but anything from now till when it launches it time/money/effort they could be putting into something else that could well better. E.g. if SE has a FF13 for PS3 that's 1/2 done, and some spin-off for Wii that's 1/4 done, I think the *very* logical thing to do would be to tie-off the PS3 games's development (whether they call it a spin-off at launch or whatever doesn't matter), and put their focus on the one with the biggest sales and profit prospects.
I honestly think launching the PS3 version as planned, but announcing delayed 360 and Wii versions some months before, makes more sense then what you're suggesting. A 360 port opens up the Western audience, and may only cost 10-15% more according to some estimates. A Wii port opens up the Japanese audience, but would probably cost significantly more than a 360 port. Combined, that gives them the audience they need. I don't think the lack of power or the need to go to 2 discs would deter them from this option, though it could effect the quality of the game. What they can't do is launch a game that they want to sell 2.5 million copies in Japan, on a system which has only sold 2.5 million units, and may end up selling only 6 or 8 million total. That's just not smart business.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.