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I never thought I'd see the day where the king was dethroned., but it looks like everything is in place to make this holiday's week... push Wii Sports to the #1 Sold Videogame of All-Time.  

Cheers to Super Mario Bros., for holding that title for so long.


Cheers to Wii Sports. Wether you like the game or not, you have to give credit when credit is due.

Who here can say, when they saw this game, that this would be the BEST SELLING videogame of all time? A title that the first in the Super Mario Series has held for over 20 years.




OK, so I read through the posts, and I will give some thoughts just to help out.
I've read some arguments, and there are plenty of valid points, but for the sake of the traditional list of #1 SOLD videogame of all time, WiiSports is still #1 in my opinion. Here are my points...

1) THE SMB Factor

a)"If you accept SMB as the #1 sold game of all time, you must now accept WiiSports as the #1 sold game of all time"

I would say this is true seeing as how SMB was bundled with approx. half of all NES purchases.

b) "SMB has sold over 47 Mil, if you combine other systems, and that doesn't include the VC."

This is true, but we are counting sales on a distinct console. Going this route would skew all numbers, and you would have to combine. That would dictate a new list entirely, and if someone is willing to make it, I'd love to see it!

2) The Pokemon Factor
"Pokemon (1) has sold over 55 mil with sales combined from its dif versions"

This is true, but this also falls under the "combined sales" argument. Again, if we are talking SINGLE skus, it doesn't hold up. If we are talking "combined" it definately is in there.

3) The Solitaire / Minesweeper Factor
"These titles are in hundreds of millions of computers amd should be considered number 1."

This is true, if you accept that a computer is a videogame console. Traditionally a Videogame console is a distinct piece of hardware, that connects to a TV, and is only used to play games, orrr is a stand alone device with its own screen that plays games. That line has become blurred over the years. One could also make the argument that "WINDOWS" is the number one selling "game" of all time, as you get those games with the OS.
( I dont think anyone here would dispute that WINDOWS has sold a shiton.)
This goes strictly by your definition of what you consider a videogame.
Also, there is no sales data.
My opinion still is based on traditional videogame consoles, so while I will include individual PC games, I think WINDOWS should be isolated to a class by itself. (That's just my opinion, take it for what you want)

4) "WiiSports is a tech demo, minigame, shallow and should not be considered"

This is a weak argument.
IS chess a game? YES... IS Tic Tac Toe a game? YES...
IS HALO a game? YES... IS SMB a game? YES
These are all games whether you like it or not.
You can play against a computer, or sometimes you can play a human opponent. There is still a competition involved in all scenarios.
When you break a game like "Madden" down, it comes to one simple fundamental... "WHO WON?"
Sometimes that goal is loose. Sometimes you play for personal pride rather then score (Ala WiiMusic)
but to say WiiSports isn't a game, is foolish.
You can hate it all you want... Still a game...

5) "I was forced to buy it" It shouldn't count.

This is true in the UK and the USA. (Japan, it has sold fantastically well).
I, like most of you, also believe that it would not sold as much if not bundled
a) I 'll never know how much it would have sold unbundled...
(Like the rest of you, I can only assume)
b) Who here thought when the Wii came out that it would sell better then the GC, N64, SNES???? I sure as hell didn't. Just going by the figures of N64,.. If it would have sold that much and included WiiSports it still would have never touched SMB.

6) "I dont count bundled software"

That's cool, then Super Mario Land or GTA: SA are your most likely choices as the number one contenders, unless you count combined sales... =)

Congrats WiiSports, and I think that data will be in soon!

Predictions For Last Full Week of Sales in 2010)

WII - 80.35 Million

360 - 43.88 Million

PS3 - 41.40 Million

More terrible predictions coming Jan. 2011!!!