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Losing market share is never OK. The PS3 is lucky it has the 360 to be compared with. However, the real benchmark for the PS3 is really the PS2 but the situation there is so bleak that people refuse to even look in that direction. Instead they turn towards any comparisons that put the PS3 is better light.

Sony took one of it's more profitable divisions and turned it into a mega loss leader. More imporantly they have lost market interest. The PS2 sales are dropping quickly yet the PS2 userbase has not migrated to the PS3 as many boldly had predicted often. The Wii is the "automatic buy" of this generation just as the PS1 and PS2 were before it. The PS3 will actually have to work for marketshare this generation. They won't be able to just sit back and laugh. The Wii has that spot.