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The Lurker said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
I keep trying to enjoy the nerd but I really can't.

A lot of his rants seem less funny and more just kind of dumb to me.

I think you're trying too hard or you misunderstand where the entertainment value is. I enjoy Angry Video Game Nerd videos, but there's very rarely a laugh out loud moment for me when I'm watching them.

I enjoy watching episodes to discover bad, old games I've never heard of. In general, I think he's quite unfunny, especially when he repeats sh*t, f*ck and ar*e (or a combination of them) as punchlines to his jokes. I don't find poo humour funny, but then again, I don't post comments on GameTrailers either.

What I find entertaining is the insight he offers into the shoddy design of the games. Some of his analogies, like the shifting maze analogy for Silver Surfer are really quite intelligent. It's not funny, but watching him demonstrate just how unplayable some of those old games were makes for moments of disbelief.

I wish he'd drop the swearing and the toilet humour, and just give us straight reviews of bad games with his fantastically negative outlook on them. I know I'd enjoy that much more, but if you can ignore the bad gags, they're still enjoyable as is (IMHO).

Retro reviews might be more interesting but I doubt he'd get the ratings he does now without the swearing sadly.

Otherwise I agree with you.