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arsenicazure said:
Does that make sense though.. if AMD made an atom chip with an ATI integrated graphics.. aka bobcat/fusion?? they could make a decent amount of cash.. I read AMD dont have a micro ATX board atm.. I just sense AMD makes a lot of bad business decisions. Even when they have a better/competitive product. And with the economy in doldrums I doubt ppl wanna spend on high end products..

Well, AMD have said they don't want to do Fusion until 2011 because it was only viable at 32nm.

But to be honest, their roadmap (and internal organisation) is in disarray and they could turn round tomorow and completely change the plan. They've done that constantly since the Phenom launch, and it always involves delaying the new stuff and adding more hopeless rehashes of old stuff between now and then. AMD doesn't have a future - I believe they will go bankrupt quite soon.