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That is actually your response? I am twice your age. I have seen five console generations unfold, and could actively appreciate four of those generations. I have owned more consoles then you, and have owned four to five times the games. I have forgotten more then you know.

I am uncertain as to how my previous post did not clue you in as to my deliberation. You would think you would give more credit to someone that took the time to compile a list, and think well this poster seems to endeavor to put forth a solid effort. Let me simplify it for you. I do my research. I am attentive, and make it a point to be well informed. Frankly I probably know more about PS3 exclusives then you do, and am far more likely to put forth the effort to inform myself.

I unlike you am not a seat of the pants type. I try to understand an entire given situation. For me the glory is in the details. I wonder if you will notice I did not lower myself to your level, by making the obvious retort.