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It's not "okay", it sucks.

The PS3 is a great platform, with great exclusives, and frankly, when you discount the purchase price, its easily the best console of this generation.

Its crappy that its so expensive, and that, mostly for that reason, its in "3rd place". The same fate befell the XBox last generation, relative to the PS2, in many ways. As gamers, we can all hope that 3rd party devs will be willing to put in the same kind of effort that 1st party devs do, in making games for it... but they won't until the cost is justified.

The reason people say "its okay" is because Sony has lost a lot of money, and no self-respecting gamer wants to see them drive themselves out of business by chopping the price before they can afford to. Sony has a lot of great incoming exclusives this year, and as long as the casual Wii monster doesn't utterly crush the X360 and PS3, Sony will very likely do just fine this year, because they'll almost assuredly have a pricecut (IMO).

What else is there to do, as a gamer, when economy dictates that the best platform have the least marketshare, other than look on the bright side?