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sieanr said:
Apostrovich said:
I'm going to come right out and say this. If a developer decides to make a game on the PS3, he should FIND OUT what he can and cannot do, I don't care if he has to do it himself with experimentation. If I was a developer, I sure as hell wouldn't put a game on a system and then complain about how hard it was to develop for. If it's so damn hard, then quit, wuss. Let somebody who actually gives a damn develop it, then you can go whine some more. You're a developer. It's your JOB to find ways to use a piece of hardware. Sony gave you a damn powerful system. Find ways to use it, or you can just stick to whatever system is easiest to dev for, and I don't want your half assed ports and whiny bitchery. Not using the SPU. Lazy SOB. Imagine how awesome he could have made that game if he used even SOME of the SPUs

Uh, this is a port of a PC game, so there is no way they are going to waste time adding things just for the PS3 version.

"It's your JOB to find ways to use a piece of hardware. Sony gave you a damn powerful system."

Two things,

1. Its the hardware makers job to make sure its not impossible to program for

2. Its also their job to provide tools and documentation to ease development

Not doing either of these things is just stupid since you effectivly give the middle figner to developers.

If you don't mind, I'm going to finish you're train of thought for you, since some people appear to have burnt out their logic processors:

If the console maker does not do these things, they will alienate developers, and will not have as many games, which will in turn drive away their potential buyers (ie profit). The developers, meanwhile, can fill their coffers by developing new games for the competition.

Therefore, the burden is on the console maker, not the developers, as it is only the maker that stands to lose the most from this scenario.