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Or so says Sam Bishop of

Some of his recent posts on NeoGAF:


I doubt it's just me, but final review builds have gone out to at least some of the games press. We can't talk about it until February. This pains me, as the game is balls-out awesome.


Originally Posted by Enojado:
Wow, already? Figured they'd wait till mid to late January to send them out. Anything you care to tease us with???

Does "holy shit" work?

It's possible there's still more polish and cleanup to do, but this is what they feel is far enough along to let us pass judgment on it. I too was under the impression that it wasn't nearly far along enough to start review builds, but that's precisely what's spinning away in my PS3 right now. Apologies to the dude I shot down when he said the game could have shipped this year. Clearly somebody agrees with him.


Originally Posted by abdulrahim:
Have you played all the way through?
How much more polish %wise than the last preview build?
Did you have a lot of 'OMG' moments?

tease us more!!

I'm still very, very early into things (it only arrived an hour or so ago), but all the other stuff you're asking is most definitely covered by the embargo, so I'll steer clear. But yes, there have been quite a few wow moments both big and small so far.

Why do we have to wait until February to get some reviews.  ;_;