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Wow great post, nothing else to say yet, some small corrections first then we can sitt down and enjoy this thread with popcorn and some alkohol of your favorite kind First DS factories is at 2.5 million a month Second Wii is above 1 million soon. I think Nintendo anounced that they would increase their output above one million in april. After that I agree with the most things written, Nintendo needs to get their production in place if the should sell more than 75+ millions. The only thing I know about that could indicates that the production capacity might increase soon is this articel were it is stated that Nintendo is talking with four new manufactors to solve the issue of supply. Of course I don't know how much they are talking about here, but I think that by 2009 Wii needs to hit 2.5 million a month to reach 75+ million totally. If they can do that it wont pe impossible to reach the level talked about. The industry capacity isn't that hard to push up as long as there is room in suppliers factories and that components can be deliverd. The electronic can be manufactored in non specialed factories, other pats such as the plastic body need most possible more capacity to be build. The number one problem can be custom chips such as the CPU or GPU that can be hard to increase capacity on.



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