Ps3 - 29 - 31 Mil.
360 - 32 - 33.5 Mil.
Wii - 63 - 64 Mil.
The Wii won't hit 80 million in 09.....
it would basically have to double its 08 sales for that to happen in 09..
And LMAO to the dude that said Wii could easily do 14 Million in a few weeks if they could meet demand..
lol omg dude come off it I know the Wii is doing great and all but its not that great be realistic
Also MS and Nintendo won't have a slim version.........
just because Sony did it with the Ps1 and Ps2 and Nintendo Copied em with the Ds doesn't mean everyone will start doing it.. I mean really in what way can MS shrink the 360 and can the Wii get any smaller?
Ehh maybe im just a blind fanboy but I don't think Ms and nintendo should have slim lines... only sony =P