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Anyone who puts Nintendo at less than 70 mill. is deluding themselves. The system's been growing YOY and it's on track to sell 25 mill in '08, putting it at 45 mill. So if it sells as well in 2009 as it did in 2008, it'll hit 70 mill exactly.

My estimates in the form of absolute lowest possible - my estimate - absolute highest possible.
Wii: 70- 76.5- 85
360: 33- 35.3- 40
PS3: 23- 27.2- 32
My estimates are based on rough estimations of sales. My minimums are low for the 360 and the PS3 because there's a small chance that one or the other just stops selling, even though it's very unlikely.

Wii has more 20 million sellers than PS3 has 5 million sellers.

Acolyte of Disruption