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My problems with the Gamespot review:

The controls are too good and it makes the game easier?  Well, for one thing there is an advanced mode unlocked after you beat the game, which according to the other review sources is signifficantly more challenging (IGN hadn't even beat it yet).  Isn't bad control just a false difficulty?  Basically the game less difficult than other shooters because it controls infinitely better.  That's fair.  Why is Bioshock, an even easier game, not criticized for it's difficulty?  

Since when was familiarty with past titles something to take off points for?  3 Ratchet and Clank games don't seem to be affected by the fact that nothing changes between them.  Nor does Halo 2, Call of Duty 2 and 3, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Subsistence, Madden 08, GTA3 and it's various nearly identical reproductions,  Dead or Alive 4, Guitar Hero 2, Half-Life 2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, oh and about 100 other games that are identical or nearly identical to their predecessors yet scored higher than them, and higher Metroid Prime 3.  Are you seriously going to try and tell me that ANY of those games changed more than was changed in Metroid Prime 3?  That's a problem people.  We are past the point of double standard, and to the point of outright BS.  

So yeah, defend gamespot's review all you want, but 1.5 points off for a control scheme that's too good and a game being similar to it's sequels (despite them having an extremely long history of not taking off for that) is complete crap.  I expected better from gamespot.