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Wii Sports Resort has two things going for it. It is the follow up to Wii Sports 1 and it has a new gadget included in the form of the Wii-motion plus attachment. Just like the Wii Board for Wii fit and to a lesser extend the Steering Wheel included with Mario Kart, these things sell like hotcakes. I wouldn't be surprise if it sell over 20 million units in 2009.

Nintendo will still have more aces up in their sleeves in the next few years for the Wii in the form of a True Mario Tennis, Mario Golf, Diddy kong Kart, A new Zelda with the use of the Motion Plus, Mario Kart 2, Wii Sports 3, A new Donkey Kong game, A sequel to Mario Galaxy, Wii Fit 2 , etc...etc.

Wii + Mario + included accessories = unstoppable.