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I would actually argue I have no bias in regards to preference. Otherwise how would you explain me producing vapor for vapor. Were I being biased would I actually produce something damning for comparison value. Yes some posters can leave their console preferences at the door.

My mild interest is due to one thing. Dead Island seemed both less cliche, and for lack of a better word less cheap. Cheap scares plague this genre. I have always been of the mindset that stripping a player of freedom, and compelling them to do stupid shit is not fair. Which is what many of these games do. They barrage them with limitless enemies. Force them to go into confined dark spaces. Also even more damning they often force players to make due with poor camera angles.

There have been a few zombie movies I have enjoyed, but if I am going to go into a zombie holocaust. I want to have the power to make smart choices. Like the characters in the movies never get to do. Like most games in this genre will not let you do. The concept of this game promised more freedom, and was obviously not based upon forcing your character down bottlenecks so you can get mobbed. To me that can only be a plus.

I was never terribly interested, but it was definitely different enough to pique my curiosity. Imagine actually being chased by a dozen zombies running down a beach. Perhaps I could actually hide, or take up sniping positions. Hell at least I could kite, and that is a hell of a lot more skillful. Then going at a mob with a shotgun at point blank range.

Out of the four titles I listed the only one I am reasonably interested in has to be Left 4 Dead, and that is for the group dynamic. I haven't played a Resident Evil since the first one pissed me off. I couldn't stomach Dead Rising after four hours. Dead Space I was interested in until I saw the same cornering antics I despise. Do you know the last mobbing game I actually enjoyed was Starship Troopers for the PC. That game actually had its moments. I actually recommend the game if anyone can find a copy. Be warned though you need a seriously good rig for it. The last level throws something like five hundred bugs at you. I suppose I enjoyed it, because even with all those enemies you still had freedom to move around. Even though it got challenging at times.