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You know there may be an irony here that is going unseen. The 360 had and supposedly has a similar game in development named Dead Island. However that title to is looking to be vapor as well. Have Zombies with highly destructible bodies become passe. What four major Zombie releases a generation cannot be enough. How are we to ever live on just Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, and Dead Space. We need more of the living dead not less.

Seriously though I was actually aware of this title. Someone pointed out the similarities to me all of a year ago. With the fully destructible body angle. I was honestly not impressed, because you will never be able to appreciate something like that as the game play in such games would always get in the way. Tight dark areas, the players being focused on game play when the monsters get that close, and the goal is to never let them get that close to begin with.

However of the two titles I thought Dead Island was the most promising due to its setting being truly original. Out of those four titles I listed earlier this is perhaps the least cliche, and the one that would probably take the game play in radically different directions.