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RayRay102 said:
WOW I feel good and bad at the same time seeing those Wii numbers. It is good because Nintendo is always to me about gaming and innovation. They made gaming popular with the NES and SNES.

It is bad because they are destroying hardcore gaming little by little. I do feel like this is a recovery period with the WII for Nintendo. Increase their popularity and fanbase and by the time the WII HD is out, we can expect some more hardcore games added to the mixed with graphics matching those of the next gen from Microsoft and Sony.

Oh speaking of Sony, they did it to themself. Because they were so concentrated in winning the HD movie format war, and basicly wanted to control the living room with their overpriced PS3. They think because of past success that they can be the ipod of the gaming world (ie.releasing expensive a$$ players and will sell out because of name brand). Hope they learn their lesson for next generation, if they are still around in the gaming business.


I wouldn't say nintendo is destroying hardcore gaming.  I would say hardcore gamers and reviewers are destroying hardcore games.


The reviewers because of their high ass standareds for games and being picky on things and then their score.  Does their score hurt the so called casual games, hell no.  Because those poeple don't look at the reviews but buy a game on a "fun looking commercial" or "fun looking game cover and back"  While the hardcore players take reviews seriously and if bad at best will just RENT the game.  And the hardcore gamers keep demanding more and more out of each game in visuals, ai, physics ect that all continue to rack up the developement costs.  And then the company doesn't make its money back through sales and end of that company.

If it weren't for the companies casual titles selling and making them profit they would be gonners long time ago.  Heck it was the same with the PS2 even.  There were a shit ton of casual games making companies tons of money.  The hardcore game just didn't cost as much back then on the PS2 to make so you saw more and quicker, plus if bombed it didn't hurt the company as bad.


So Don't Blame Nintendo, BLAME YOURSELF