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gol i hate any argument or talking of attach rates. It is so dumb.

Heck the gamecube probaly had amazing attach rates going for some of its games becuase guess what "there weren't that many systems out there"

If the PS2 has some 120 or whatever systems and sells 10 million in one game, the attach rate is 1:12. Wow that is shitty eh. and now take xbox and a 10 million game and attach rate is 1:3. Guess the xbox is the best huh, all developers rush to that system.

Also the faster a system sells the worse an attach rate. Look at even yourself. how many games did you have for your system when you first bought it, and now 1-2 years later. How many games do you have. I had like 3 at the start, and now have like 12. Give it time. Now ever new Wii owner is buying 12 games right away.