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As a rule, people who've been trapped in crashed vehicles shouldn't be removed by force before the professionals arrive. Moving unconcious people safely even on flat ground is extremely hard, let alone getting them out of possibly twisted cars and possibly stuck seat belts.

The article doesn't make it clear if there was any real danger, but the most likely scenario is that the eager helper here had seen way too many movies, grossly miscalculated the situation, and caused permanent injury with her incompetence. Cars in real life generally don't explode just from hitting a lamp post. They might, but as long as there's no reason to believe otherwise, I'm inclined to think she just paniced.

How would you feel if some stranger with no first aid experience found your young child unconcious and tried to give CPR, but blew too hard and toar his/her lungs apart? A bit more extreme, but not unheard of.