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Phrancheyez said:
makingmusic476 said:
Sega has never been nothing but crap. Even in their worst years the Total War series was still kicking ass.

@makingmusic - you have the most off-the-wall spastic views about video gaming of anyone on this site.  Really.  I thought the statement about Live's worst week being better than PSN's & WW/VC's best was bad..sheesh.  You never cease to amaze me.

However, I must respectfully disagree.  Sega has been crap ever since they got out of the console war.  One game, which I hated because every time I tried to play it (and I played it a lot while in college, because my instructor loved it) half of my army ran away like a bunch of pussies, isn't going to save the name of a company who religiously releases and believes in garbage software.

I still haven't tried Valkyrie Chronicles, but based on all the hype, I might have to go see if I can find a discounted copy up at my local GameStop.  I'm not big on SRPG's either, so maybe I'll try renting it.  However, if I can get it at $20 like you, why waste $10 renting it?


So you deny that the Total War series is a good series? :P