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I wonder how all the rabid HD fanboys will react when all their precious FP Shooters will use infinitely superior IR aiming instead of the aged and clunky dual analog controls. XD We all know it's gonna happen.

Also, anyone who's ever played Wii SPorts Boxing (that would be a lot of people :p) knows that in order to evade an opponent's punches you can lean to the left or right with your body, while holding the Wiimote an Nunchuk completely motionless in your hands. So yeah, The Wiimote does that, and a lot better than the sixaxis. And that's without WM+. And why wouldn't it? Why would the controller react to motion from your hands, but not from your body, if that's what moves the controller? :s It's an inanimate object, it reacts to motions, it doesn't have a conscience to tell whether it's being held in someone's hands or not. :p

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046