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Username2324 said:
I don't want to call your brain stupid, but an HD DVD2 would be a quit failure, especially if the disc could only hold 250GB, when Blu-ray discs have already be made that hold 400GB, on one side to boot.

The only problem with the PS3's Blu-ray drive is it's only 2X and by the time the next generation rolls around 12X-16X drives should be available, if not faster.

If there is another physical format for games (which I'm pretty sure there will be) it will be Blu-ray.

Only problem there is that the read spead is determined is so low due to the MANY multiple layers of a BD.  The 400GB discs will still be 2X read spead until they can create some technology that reads multi-layer discs much faster, or make each layer hold more space.  If they are really pushing for 400GB Blu-Rays, the added layers will mean a much harder time of creating such a device that can read all those layers at a reasonable speed.  I doubt there will be 16x Blu-Ray drives in 2011. 

Also, you seem to forget that games don't need to consume 400GB of data.  A next gen game now would struggle to use all the space on a 50GB Blu-Ray.  MGS4 only did because they didn't want to have the video or audio files compressed in any way.  A 126GB disc, if it ever were to exist, would be enough space to fit 18.5 Gears of War 2's.  Or 2.5 MGS4's uncompressed. I think developers would be hard pressed to use up that much space.  Plus my dream technology was hypothetical and I have no idea what the specs would be past the 126GB space.  It was a weird dream, but by no means would it be a failure if they did make an HD-DVD2.  The players were better, the discs read faster, they were cheaper to produce... all positives.  Blu-Ray will be a great HD video disc for a few more years, but it will likely be the last disc format used for video and data.  The next Xbox data format could very well be some sort of Flash memory, but it is much more likely to be a new disc format and save pure downloads or pure flash memory for the NEXT next gen in 2018 or so.

EDIT: Oh and thank you d21lewis for adding some more humor which I had hoped for .  Unfortunately for you, I not only have the "sight" but the "power" to control space and time.  I will do whatever it takes to stop you from stopping this future from coming true! Man, I am such a Heroes nerd.  Gotta love that show.