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GF said: PS360N64PSXBOX said: GF said: 100,000 distributed... Not sold... But anyways, it's Sony. For them distributed=sold. They said the same with the PSP in Spain claiming they had beaten the DS and then several independent sales trackers revealed that in actual sales through customers the DS had around 66% market share (1,6 million DSs compared to 0,8 million PSPs). I saw a mountain of over 100 PS3s in a MediaMarkt in Madrid today. Literally. A mountain. = Unproven. I find it funny nintendo fans always claim DISTRIBUTED NOT SOLD NOT SOLD NOT SOLD!!! IS SAW TONS AT MY LOCAL GAMETHING!!!!! SONY TEH SUXORZ!! At all good news for sony! As unproven as what I wrote is what Sony stated about their sales. Have they proven their sales? No. Then why do you believe them? I've been following the game industry for long enough in Spain to know that Sony always releases distributed figures. It was funny when they claimed they had beaten the DS a year or so after releasing the PSP. The Sony fanboys were so happy! Then a couple of independent chart trackers demonstrated that wasn't the case at all. The fact that there were more PSPs distributed in Spain than DSs (and thus the mountains of unsold stock) didn't mean they had all been sold through customers. The Sony fanboys were pwned! I'd rather wait until aDeSe, the most known Spanish chart tracker, release their figures... But oh well, I don't think you didn't even know aDeSe existed. I'm a Nintendo fan, yeah. However I have nothing against the XBOX360. I recognize Microsoft is working hard to please their fanbase, and I respect that. However, I can't say the same about Sony. Can you?... That's the reason why they need to spin numbers. To make you believe that there are many people with their console too. And I know that the mountain of PS3s I saw the other day isn't an important sample. What is important is the fact that it was on the richest region of Spain. If you extrapolate the numbers unsold there to the rest of MediaMarkts in Spain, with most of them in regions with less population and money... You get the point. Furthermore, in most of the spanish forums I visit every member who works at retail, even Sony fanboys, say they can't believe that sales number. They've still got most of the launch units in stock.
Sorry, but you need to do better than that. Right now you have just claims to go on with little backup. I need more to go off than I know people in retail and they don't believe it. I could say the same, like I know a guy who works at Toys R Us and he says all his PS3's are SOLD OUT!! How would you know I was telling the truth? I need more than your "word", right now the numbers tell a different story.

Predicting the Future - 360 Will get to 11 Million in the USA this year!!

Predicting the Future - Wii will NOT win this gen in America!!

Prediciting the Future - The PS3 will pass the Wii by 2009!!