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Tremble said:
I don't wanna show disrespect to MS employees but I "hope" it's true cause this company will maybe stop all the bitchin with their crazy price cuts.


Don't count on it.

If MS truly does perform job cuts, it will only be preemptive. 

A lot of times, a company gets bloated with too many employees, but companies are wary of job cuts, because it makes the market think that the company is in trouble. Therefore, they'll hold on to people they don't really need.

With a bad market here, and every other company cutting people like crazy, it gives a good excuse for other companies that might be in a better financial situation to do the same without rasing the ire of the market. 

Also, if the world does slip into recession in a big way, then products like PCs will slow down in sales.  Therefore, you are better off cutting back jobs voluntarily before you are forced to later on.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
