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ChichiriMuyo said:

The PS3 is harder to work with, but it apparently is capble of giving better results to the people who are willing to work with it.

That's the problem though, despite the 2+ or so years of development on PS3 titles, what has been shown to differentiate the Cell as a viable game development solution to the 360 Xenon? So far, the PS3 has simply shown tougher development with little to show at the end of it to stand out against the 360. I'm not gonna pretend I know anything about CPU's or software development because I don't, but my example is based purely on what the consumers are seeing in the final products. Are we going to see an inferior HL2 on the PS3 as well because of it's hardware like we have so many other titles? Valve as a developer definitely know what they're talking about too.

And Killzone3, to 'not care about' Valve or to deny HL2 is to deny yourself one of the greatest First Person Shooter experiences ever made, add to that Team Fortress 2 which is going to be brilliant and the unique Portal, you're shooting yourself in the foot a bit making such statements.