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At the same price, retail games have much more value. You can sell them, or lend them to a friend. Download games are just a license for one person to play, and have no value to anyone else when you are done with it.

What is the additional value of the physical game worth? If you can get $15 - $20 trade in on a newer $60 game, that is 25% to 33% less value for the digital only copy.

If you could download a game for $45 vs paying $60 retail, that seems like a fair trade-off for most people. It would also help with the second-hand market, as you could download the game for $45 vs. paying $56 at Gamestop for a used copy. Publishers would then get money from you, not just Gamestop getting the money for used sales.

The problem of course, is that publishers still want $60 from you for the "convenience" of downloading the game, even though the game make be a few months old, and is a lesser value that a retail copy. Gamestop will push for this as well to preserve their market for new and used games.