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Pristine20 said:
I wish RE would return to it's roots as well but sadly I know it won't. Shooters are "in" right now so capcom joined the bandwagon.

Joined the bandwagon? Cliff Bleszinski went on record saying Gears over the shoulder design was inspired by Resident Evil 4. If anything, it's the shooters of today hanging from the coattails of the RE4 design.

As for the demo I really liked it. Getting your head chainsawed off never gets old. I think the melee has been improved. The numbers of enemies has grown, so it adds to the tension. AI hasn't improved much, but RE4 was so advanced at the time it's really hard to complain too much. It's still better than most games out there, minus the odd zombie that'll just stand at the doorway and do nothing.

The one thing I don't get is the negativity towards RE5 controlling like RE4. Is that a bad thing all of a sudden? Sometimes I feel like I'm on a forum filled with RE4 haters wishing for the return of tank controls(blech!). When a Zelda game comes out, does everyone complain that it still uses the working formula of past Zeldas? What about Gears 2 controlling like Gears 1? Nothing? My point is, RE4 was never broken. It was a welcome change to the formula that was WAY overdue, and most everyone loved it at the time. What's changed in four years?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.